Number my moments.

Number my comments.

Number my torments.

Number my adornments.


These precious people, I have in my life.

Precious Moments, I experience.

These precious things that embellish my life

Valuable opportunities, I have.


These precious moments make my day worthwhile.

They make my life worth living.

They make my heart glad.

They make my soul rested and peaceful.


Numbering, Accounting for each moment.

I make the most of my time.

For each moment counts.


Who am I?


Am I what you think I am?

Am I what you say I am?

Am I what I think, you think I am?

Am I what I think I am?


Who calls the shots?

Why do I bend over backward? 

To do what I think, you would want me to do.

To do what they, would want me to do.


Who are they?

I do wonder.

They are nameless and faceless.

They dictate my life, don’t they?


They decide what is in and what is out.

They decide what is trending and what is not.

Or do they?

Do they care that much about my life?


Aren’t they caught up in their own life?


So, who am I?

I am what I think I am.

My life will go in the direction of my dominant thoughts.

So, what do I think about myself?


What do I tell me about me?

How do I see myself?

Do I even like myself?

If I don’t, who will?


I stand.

I decide.

I move forward.

I jump.


It is time.

No one can do it for me.


So dear me, stand up and be you.

Be the best you, you know how to be.

That is what matters.

So help me God!






Crying, baby.

Child, wailing.

Screaming, baby.

Throw, tantrums.


Managing, juggling.

Staying calm.

Stay in control, is the name of the game.

Make it all work.


Nerves taut and tensed.

Come unravelling.

Measured, controlled voice.

Shouting, shrilly.


Well laid plans come crashing down.

Bewildered exhausted mum.

She stares woefully.

She looks helplessly at the wailing child.



It’s heavy.

Your back’s against the wall.

You are losing your mind.

Your sanity’s slipping away.


You deny yourself sleep.

You deprive yourself peaceful slumber.

You deny yourself a healthy meal.

You enjoy no balanced nourishment.


You deny yourself a relationship.

You deprive yourself any close rapport.

You shut yourself in, no one allowed.

You shut them all out.


Oh, do live one day at a time.

Take it, one hour at a time.

Walk, one minute at a time.

Move forward, one second at a time.


When you can’t move forward, keep going.

When you’ve lost all hope, keep going.

When all your strength is gone, keep going.

When it hurts like crazy, keep going.


Keep moving, even when you’ve hit rock bottom.

Keep moving, one step at a time.

Keep moving, even if you only slither, wriggle.

Keep moving, one desperate crawl at a time.


For my dear friend, it all came to pass.

Yes, this too shall pass.



Dear heart,

What are you telling me today?

You seem quite restless.

What is making you squirm and fidget?

Like a trapped squirrel in the fowler’s net?


Do tell me.

Have I forgotten something important?

Oh dear heart, don’t be coy!

Just spill the beans.

Dish it out to me straight up as is.

No stress, let it all out!



Sweet slumber,

I lay me down,

Uncoiling, in quiet repose,

I close my eyes.


Dear sweet slumber,

Why so elusive,

Why turn your back on me?

Dear elusive friend.


Come close,

Embrace me,

Enlace me,

Hold me tight.


For I need you,

You help me balance,

You keep me sane,

You keep me alive.


Sweet, sweet slumber,

I peeled back my eyelids,

In a bid to defy you.

Lo and behold it worked.

How deeply I regret now.


Sweet Slumber,

Do hold me tight,

Do help me rest,

For you see, I am falling apart!



Heavy heart,

Tears flowing,

Heavy heart,

Grieving, groaning.


Listening ear,

Heart poured,

Listening ear,

Burden shared.


Heart now light.



She laughed pitifully, painfully.

She wept happily, joyfully.

It was an upside down world.

The end was the commencement.


The bitter was sweet.

The emptiness was full.

The loneliness was company enough.

The darkness was blinding light.


She was in a time warp.

It was a house of mirrors.

Her life was deforming, deceptively so.

She was tossed to and fro.


She was now trapped.

The mask had morphed, taking a life of its own.

She was now a puppet.

The executioner, the brainless, emotionless pawn.


She was the pawn in this chessboard of relationships.

She had lost control.

It terrified her out of her wits.

Or what she had left of it anyway.



I am full, nicely so.

I ate well, my lunch I mean.

So, I am quite content.


I am full, intensely so.

I rested well, my soul I mean.

Quite at ease.


I am full, overwhelmingly so.

I am overflowing, well, my heart is.

I mean, I am quite blessed.



Do I cave in and let my heart sting?

Do I give in and let despair set in upon me?

Do I fight with all I have in me?

Do I give the fight of my life?


For all that loving that wretched my esteem.

That made my heart steam.

That made my tears stream.

That made me shaken.


The gallant token I was offered.

Drew me close and taken I was.

That seemed to me a proof of your lovin’.

Oh! The gullible soul is so easy to coil around one’s firm hold.


Not all that glitters is gold, they say.

I disagree.

This gold here that holds my heart.

Is so cold you see.



Yellow shirt.

Amber liquid.

Yell, shout.

Anger loathed.


You make me recoil when I see you.

You make something crawl inside me.

I don’t want to see you.

Take note of you I won’t.


I do not want to see the real issue.

These unspoken issues that lie behind the loud shouts.

They hide behind your irritating, obnoxious mannerisms.

Of your drunken self.


I cannot.

I will not.

I should not.

Notice nor care.


Because if I do, my heart bleeds for you.

For your shout is a silent cry of help.

I see you.

I hear you.

But I also have my problems.

My shoulders aren’t big enough to carry you.

So, off you go!


I shut you out.

I push you out.

I want you far.

I dread you near.


Oh, you!

Yellow shirt.

Amber liquid.

Yelling shouting.

Angering loathed.




You laughed.

I wish you had cried.

I wish you had mourned.

I wish you had screamed.

I wish you had yelled.


Oh! How I wish you had.

Your laughter is;

The most broken, forsaken.

The most profound wounded sound I have ever heard.


It shook me to my core.

It brought me down to my knees.

It seeped deep into my bones.

It made you part of my heart, causing it to bleed.


You laughed, and now I am haunted by the wretchedness of your life.

The deep solitude.

The deep wounds.

The deep shame.

The deep despair.

The depth of things left unsaid.


You unloaded all of them at my feet, with one laugh.

You chained me to the stake and set me on fire.

Yes, I am now daily consumed by fire.

The never quenched fire of guilt, regret, helplessness, and self-loath.


You laughed and finally brought me grovelling to my knees before you.

Oh! What to do now?



Eyes, darting, here and there.

Fingers, dancing, enlacing, releasing.

Feet, shifting, this way that way.

The wait isn’t easy.


Heart racing, mouth dry.

Cold sweat breaking, trickling, pouring.

Body heated up.

Tummy rumbling, butterflies fluttering, floating.


A sigh of relief, the wait is over now.

Paralysing fear’s dark cobwebs now recede, fading away.

It’s a new day, new possibilities.

Courage warms and strengthens the heart.

Hope springs forth giving it wings.



No, I can’t go yet!

I have so many books to write.

So many wrongs I need to right.

So many cars to ride into the tide of life.


No! I cannot leave yet.

There are songs that I must sing.

Be it is only to the moon.

In the darkest of nights!



River flowing.

What a sight.

Water meandering.

What a sound.

Trees, aligning the water bank.




Nature, what a delightful sight.

Reclining, refreshing.

The stream flows.


Feet and toes are malaxing.

Massaging, hydrating.

Fingers and palms are caressing.

Eyes are closing, muscles loosening in bliss relaxing.








Stretching taut, numb muscles.

Facial muscles.

Emotional muscles.

Heart muscles.


Finally freeing me to be me.

Letting go, unchaining me.

Simply me.

Unapologetically me.


Here I am.

In my unashamed, unadulterated splendour.

With my weaknesses, strengths, uniqueness.

In my quirkiness, and daffiness.


Hello dear me, how are you today?




She’s down sometimes.

She’s self-conscious.

Always wondering if everyone is staring at her.


She sucks in her tummy.

Trying to camouflage the lovely mound that is her lower belly.

Passing by the opaque windows of a building, she gazes at herself.


Did I add weight?

Do I look good in these clothes?

She sighs, sucks in her tummy.


If only she had a flat belly.

The curves are elegant but the tummy!

If only she had a slim face.

The eyes are lovely but the cheeks!


She stares at her face again and sighs.

There’s always a little something that nags at her.

It stands between her and the door.

The entrance to the room called happiness.


This little something, crushing her self-esteem.

It’s a grain of sand hurting her.

It irritates, the delicate flesh of her oyster heart.

Little does she know a pearl is developing within her.




Push, pull, shove.

Push, pull, shove.

On and on it goes.

Each one is trying to gain ground.

Gaining, loosing.

Grasping, grappling.

Holding on, though we’re losing ground.


Then it happens.

We are at the edge of the cliff.

None wants to give way, yet one has to, or both lose.

We are at our wit’s end.

Wholly drained for we’ve given our all.

Then why are we here?

Why, oh why do we find ourselves on the brink of destruction?

Our deepest desire was to build something beautiful.


Then it dawns on us; we haven’t lost it all yet.

The end of this season is a promise.

The birth of a new season, a new beginning.

It is a matter of viewpoint.

We haven’t lost it all, at the edge of this cliff.

If one gives way, then we are saved.

As one, as a team, we can both slowly move towards each other and turn back to firm ground.

We would then contemplate the beautiful scenery.

Offered by this vantage point at the edge of the cliff.


Realising this, we put down our armour, our volition.

The stubborn, prideful, “own sweet way.”

We lay down our arms.

We put on concession, this beautiful robe.

Oh, how lovely when we change perspective.

We now comprehend that it was a raw gem.

An uncut diamond.

We had to reach the edge of the cliff to see how lovely life was.

Yes, a meaningful existence appears when we look through a prism.

The prism of laying down our will.

Oh, love, you do not seek your own, but you see the good in each one of us.



Lovely, pretty, comely.

I am.

Am I, do you think?

Lovely, lovable, loving.

I am.

Am I, do you think?


Look, do you see me?

I tremble, I mumble, I stumble.

I look forward.

I look down.

I seem coy.

Don’t I?


I am cringing.


I am wincing.


I am flinching.


I am quailing.


Do notice me.

Do like me.

I need it.

One shot, please.

To get me through the day.

The spring in my step is fading fast.



No longer at ease.


Ill at ease.



Ease away.

Ease up.










The weight of words.

The spoken, unsaid, unspoken words.

That swell up and take up space.

Shouting shrilly until their deafening din is too much to bear.